So today, the idiot in chief decreed that transgender people will no longer be allowed to serve in the military of this country in any capacity whatsoever. Not on the front lines. Not at desks. Not in the supply rooms. Not in the war rooms. Not in the bathrooms -- and God help one of those trans service people who walk into a public bathroom that does not correspond to what he thinks is your assigned room by birth sex. In support of this harebrained idea, the commander in chief cited the incredible medical costs of allowing transgenders to serve. Some thoughts come to mind about this:
1. I was unaware that transgenders are flocking to join a military so that they could get the government to pay for sex transition treatment and surgery. I guess I was naive in thinking that there are people who have otherwise "different" lifestyles that love their country enough to want to serve it. Regardless of what I think, the only studies I am aware of regarding transgenders serving in the military have just about unanimously concluded that any increase in medical costs would be negligible, and probably attributed simply to the fact that a few more people are now serving, not that they are all seeking transition treatment and surgery. The number to look at is not the total being spent on medical costs by the military, but the cost per soldier. My understanding is that number is no different in study after study.
2. Apparently, it is okay to absorb without question the medical costs of heterosexuals and plain ole vanilla gays who get their brains bashed in and their limbs blown off serving military adventures at the whim of whomever is in the oval office, as long as they do not have what the guy sitting there thinks is deviant sexual orientation or practice. This is pretty rich coming from Mr. Grab Them by the Pussy. Oh, and by the way, you plain ole vanilla gays better watch your backs. He's coming for you next.
3. If you think it is a coincidence that this announcement, made, as is customary and called for in the lost but recently found sections of the Constitution via twitter, came on the anniversary of President Truman opening up all branches of the military to equal opportunity in 1948, think again. If nothing else, the present idiot in chief is big on symbolism. He's not big on much of anything else, but symbolism he knows, just like crowd size, everything Russia and the Boy Scout Creed.
4. Here we are in the twenty-first century. Global conflicts and threats are surging almost everywhere. North Korea is threatening us with nuclear warfare. ISIS, Al Queda and their ilk threaten all democratic institutions at home and abroad. Sabre rattling with Russia is at an all time high... and he wants to shut off the military from a few thousand otherwise patriots because they want to wear a dress instead of levis, and they want to put on make up and date a nice guy who does not mind the lifestyle of the person he or she is with. In other words, at a time of great need, because of nothing more than bigotry, because he cannot cite anything at all that would show that a trans soldier is any less effective than a straight soldier, he is not going to allow a person patriotic enough to volunteer because he does not fit his definition of what a real man or a real woman is.
I will give the clown in chief a few hints:
1. A real man or woman would serve this country without thought as to the sexual orientation of the person in the foxhole next to them.
2. A real man or woman would be someone who would recognize that they themselves never served at all, and did all they could to get out of serving until reaching an age where they could not be sent into battle, but could reap all the monetary rewards in the world for "serving".
3. A real man or woman does not hide behind anonymous support. If your generals supposedly urged this on you, tell us which generals urged this, and allow them to come before the public and explain themselves.
4. A real man or woman makes an executive decision like this in person, in public, in full view. Not on twitter.
But then again, what do you want from somebody whose only service in life has been to himself?
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