Steven Miller, his primary immigration adviser, may be the only person in America is more loathsome than cadet bone spurs. Considering his penchant for the truth and his empty bombast, combined with the fact that he has never served in the military he professes to love so much, we might as well call him "cadet bone spurs, jr.". On Fox Sunday this week, he defended the president's vile attack against The Squad, four freshman congresswomen, who all happen to be female and minorities, by stating that each of the four do not represent "our Western Values", as if this somehow gives both he and his mentor the right to attack them in vicious, racist terms. As is the case with his mentor, he did not mention what those "western values" might be. So it got me to wondering...
Perhaps Mr. Miller was referring to the discovery of the new world, by that font of western values, Christopher Columbus, who then enslaved and murdered the natives he found upon landing in Bimini and other points in the Caribbean from 1492 going forward, simply because he was apparently shocked that they were not Christian and did not look like him.
Maybe he was referring to the importation of Black slaves, kidnapped in their countries, or in many cases sold by their own countrymen into slavery and brought here against their will to serve their white masters, who were obviously leaning upon their knowledge of western values at the time, resulting ultimately in the Civil War, Jim Crow, segregation, discrimination throughout our western values society, and racism that persists to this day, because the Black slaves did not look like their masters or the old white guard that remains in power to this day in the halls of government.
Or maybe still, he was referring to that time honored western value of making treaties with Native Americans, breaking the treaties, removing them from their ancient lands, defiling their holy sites, and forcing them onto reservations where they are allowed to live in abject poverty and alcoholism to this day, all the while noting that they do not look like the rest of us.
If not, surely he was referring to that western value of stealing of land and homes of Japanese Americans, who all do not look like us, forcing them to what they called "Relocation Centers", but were, in fact, prisons (they all had barbed wire and armed guards. The "guests" were not allowed to leave. What would you call them?), simply because they were of Japanese ancestry and ignoring the fact that they were Americans. They did not, and do not look like us; therefore, they do not need an apology of any kind. Thank you for staying out of the way while under armed guard. For those who served in the military during this time, thank you for your service. Now go home and shut up.
Or how about that great show of western values when the MS St. Louis was turned away from all American ports in 1939, a ship containing approximately eight hundred Jews fleeing the Nazis, which was then sent back to Germany, where many of them were killed in the Holocaust, all because they did not sound like the rest of us.
So, in the interest of our fabulous history of western values, it would appear quite possible that he was referring to our humanitarian gesture of seizing immigrants of Central American countries and Mexico, fleeing violence and corruption in their countries, only to stumble into violence and corruption in this country, have their children ripped from their arms, be sent back home to undoubtedly become victims in their countries of origin, and have their sons and daughters lost in the system, all because they do not look like us.
They do not "share our Western Values".
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Rashida Tlaib
Ilhan Omar.
Ayanna Pressley
All Americans.
All minorities.
All women.
All do not look like "us".
All with names that do not sound like ours.
All citizens of this country.
All actively serving this country as members of Congress.
All of whom stand up for their rights and the rights of the people of this country as specifically granted in the very Constitution those old, rich, spoiled rotten white guys claim to revere, which ultimately means all four stand for the rights of the rest of us, even those spoiled rotten bastards.
So now you know whenever cadet bone spurs and cadet bone spurs, jr. talk about "Western Values", precisely what they are actually talking about.
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