We have become the laughingstock of the world. They would be laughing out loud and slapping their knees trying to get their breath if it was not for the fact that this buffoon has caused misery all over the world. All the while, constantly blaming somebody else for his own ignorance, his own bigotry, his own cruelty.
On January 20, 2016, the unemployment rate in this country was 4.1%. As of today, most economists agree that the true unemployment rate is greater than the officially announced rate of 14.7%. Yet all he talks about is how great things were, if only for that damned virus, which he blames on a laboratory in China.
We have put children in cages, apparently because their parents came to this country looking for a better life for their families, but did not sound like the rest of us. You know, just ike his grandparents at the end of the last century.
We have systematically withdrawn our authority as the leading voice of just about everything around the world. We are no longer a part of the Paris Climate Change Accords, as the pace of climate change accelerates to the breaking point. As the pandemic surges around us, he has withdrawn from the World Health Organization. Never mind that this hamstrings the medical and public health world at perhaps the most critical time in its history. He has also guaranteed that if a vaccine is found, but is found outside the United States, we will not be in line to receive it.
In not condemning white terrorism for what it is, he has set free and given the imprimatur to all would be white nationalists, the KKK, Nazis and other second amendment terror types to prey upon the rest of us with impunity.
Russians interfered with our election in 2016. He stonewalled every investigation. He has all but shut down the possibility of election security, threatening to veto any such provisions in any legislation given to him to sign. Why would you want to veto legislation designed to ensure the integrity of our elections?
New York
At a time when the nation needs somebody to lead by example, he refuses to wear a mask in public and outright says Wall Street is more important than the lives of the people he serves. So no masks for him. Not even encouragement for others to wear them. No social distancing. No testing. No tracing. More than one hundred thousand dead and counting is a badge of honor.
Our cities are on fire. We need soothing words, soaring words from our leaders to assure us that we will be okay. That people of color are not going to shot when they go jogging in their neighborhood, shot by the police when they are asleep in their own homes, or snuffed out by an animal with a badge who grinds his knee into a handcuffed black man until he dies, while his partners stand around doing absolutely nothing even after the black man has stopped breathing. Instead of words of healing, this imbecile offers images of the Jim Crow era, of lynchings, of dogs set upon people simply for protesting their rights. He then tries to silence dissent when a single social network finally has enough of he lies and the dog whistles. As staggering as it seems , all of this happened simply in the last week.
So are we better off than we were four years ago? On a personal note, I have not been able to work in the profession I trained for and made a good living in for nearly forty years since March 16. Although I had given up my private practice a year or so ago, it was nice having a stream of income coming in. That ended when they closed the courthouses around here. Since then, I have not been able to socialize in person with any friends. No visits with families. I cannot hug or kiss my ninety year old mother.
In the meantime bread lines form across the country. People wait in their cars for hours for basic staples.
New York
Los Angeles
Any Town, USA...
Although I am infinitely better off than many, if not most, yesterday, I received my first installment of unemployment insurance from the government. Aside from this, I do not know what other income I personally will have for the foreseeable future. Am I better off than I was four years ago?.
You tell me.
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