Monday, January 16, 2017

mlk day

In my family, we do not make it a habit to go to the graves of loved ones who have passed on to pay respects.  The basic feeling is that our loved ones live in our hearts and minds, and if we really want to talk with them, we can do that anywhere at any time.  When we go to the cemetery, while "paying our respects", in fact, all we are doing physically at that point is talking to a stone that has a name etched on it.  Generally, the stone does not talk back.

The one exception I make for this is Martin Luther King Day.  I try to make it a habit to go to my father's grave for a few minutes every year on this date.  It's close to Dad's own birthday, January 8.  It is also a nod to the fact that my parents were passionate about civil rights, Mom still is, and instilled that passion in their children.  I have posted before about my memory of playing in the reflecting pool at the Lincoln Memorial while Dr. King was giving his "I Have a Dream" speech, a weekend my parents spent ferrying inner city people to Washington so that they could participate in the march.

The spirit carries on in the family.  Earlier today, my cousin posted a photograph he took of Dr. King in 1967, an inspiring image taken as he was delivering a speech in front of the United Nations building in New York protesting the Vietnam War.  My sons have both spoken passionately on line in defense of civil rights.  We are all planning on participating in the marches to come January 21.

I do intend to spend a few minutes once again with Dad today.  As always, I will run through family events over the past year or so.  Once again, I will tell him how proud he would be of all of us, even the newer members of the family he never met.  Once again, I will tell him how much we all miss him.  Once again, I will tell him about the state of the world, but this year, I am at a loss.  What do I tell him?

Do I tell him everything he worked for is being systematically taken apart?

Do I tell him an ignorant buffoon who has not earned a thing in his life is about to move into the White House?

Do I tell him that ignorant buffoon is stocking his cabinet, for the most part, with entirely unqualified people, who seem to have the same mindset as he, and who appear hellbent on destroying the very department of government they may be confirmed to head?

Do I tell him the run up to Inauguration Day has left me wondering if the ignorant buffoon about to be inaugurated is actually trying to bring the government down?

Well, yes.

I would not want Dad to lie to me.  I will not lie to him.  I will tell him all my fears.  I will beg his forgiveness.  I will ask him to watch over Mom and the rest of the family.

And then, in the spirit of my father, I will go home, and figure out how we will peacefully, but effectively protest this ignorant buffoon, and get us past the darkness and back into the light.

Join me.  Join us.

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