I started out on this one with the intent to present the latest P-MAWs. There were plenty of candidates to chose from, including Mick Mulvaney's statement that Meals on Wheels does not return any bang for the buck, Jeff Sessions summarily firing forty-six US Attorneys, including Preet Bharara, who reportedly is investigating the president's Russian connections and the Secretary of Health and Human Services' belief that his purchase of stock in health care related companies two days before voting on legislation that was favorable for them did not amount to insider trading, and just about anything Sean Spicer says in public. We will more than likely have something to say about these gems in the future. Then he came up with something that, while not necessarily retiring the P-MAWs, was so utterly moronic that it wins by default. Fear not, the P-MAWs will return. His and his administration's chronic and perpetual idiocy practically guarantees it. In the mean time...
On Tuesday this week, under what could lightly be called intensive questioning from Senator Gillibrand, Marine Corps Commandant Robert Neller took responsibility for the nude photo scandal related to female members of the Corps and the culture that somehow allowed some marine miscreants to think they could do this and get away with it. Nobody thinks that the idea for the scandal originated with General Neller, that he encouraged or participated in it, or even knew what was going on until it was made public.
But as Commandant of the Corps, he took ownership of it without hesitation.
On Friday, when asked at a press conference about his administration's ridiculous allegation that the Obama administration utilized a British spy agency to wiretap him during the recent campaign, allegations that have thus far proven entirely baseless and without any even half-hearted attempt to justify or provide even a scintilla of evidence, he pointed to the "fact" that a "very talented attorney" at the fox cheerleading network had broken the "story", and he had simply repeated what he heard; therefore, any questions should be addressed to the cheerleaders at fox.
If nothing else, he has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is no Harry Truman, which I am sure has the Truman family falling onto their knees in relief.
The "very talented attorney" he referred to is Andrew Napolitano, who is referred to on air by his colleagues and fellow pompom wavers as "Judge" Napolitano, owing to the fact that he once served as a Superior Court judge in New Jersey, which is a trial level court. He resigned from the bench in 1995, according to the New York Times, objecting to the fact that he was not paid enough to remain on the bench. He last served as a "judge", if you can count it as such, on a reality show similar to "The People's Court" called "Power of Attorney", where he lasted all of one season presiding over what amounts to small claims cases. Basically, this "very talented attorney" has not either practiced law or been a real judge for more than twenty years. He has apparently been making sufficient money blathering on the air about perceived grievances always attributed to either the obamas or liberals in general so that he continues to be a "senior judicial analyst" on the fox cheerleading network to date, although his own show, "Freedom Watch" has not been on the air since 2012.
It is noted that his last "bombshell" announcement or scoop from "the judge" concerned an allegation that Michelle Obama had used an epithet to describe white people in private. This "scoop" ended up being entirely uncorroborated by anyone and unfounded, eventually being tossed onto the scrap heap of the fox cheerleading network's abandoned headlines.
The judge's other qualification as a 'very talented lawyer" appears to be the fact that he is a friend of 45, and that he maintains a residence at one of his hotels on Central Park West.
Fox quickly sent Shepard Smith on the air to clearly announce that the cheerleaders were completely unaware of any evidence that the Obama administration had wiretapped him at all, let alone utilized any British spy agency to do so.
He did not back down.
Like it or not, he is the president. Maybe the "judge" was the source of the story. The "judge", however, is not the person who repeated the story, and then doubled down on it, even when the fox cheerleading network disavowed it. Maybe the "judge" in his capacity as a "very talented lawyer" broke the story, but the story was broken as an allegation on a television show, providing no evidence that the story was true. The job of the administration is not to perpetuate stories without vetting them for some evidence of truth. Maybe a phone call. Maybe an e-mail on one of those unclassified and unprotected phones he uses. Maybe a tweet asking somebody to confirm the allegations. The only tweet we heard, however, was more along the lines of the chirping of crickets.
The bottom line is he made no effort to determine if the story is true. He then repeated it for the international press, who must by now think that the entire population of this country is made up entirely of morons. After all, we elected him. He repeated it in front of Angela Merkel, who looked like she wanted to dig a very deep hole, and either push him into it, or leap herself.
So without any proof at all, without assuming a shred of responsibility and without backing down, he has now succeeded in insulting Great Britain, putting them alongside Australia and Mexico, all our traditional rivals and enemies. You could possibly add Germany to the list, assuming Angela Merkel is not hard at work trying to photoshop herself out of any evidence she was ever at the press conference.
Is anyone taking this buffoon, and by extension this country seriously any more? Can the damage he has wrought in less than two months be repaired in less than two generations?
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