Saturday, March 4, 2017

p-maw, vol. 3

Face it.  I know you missed the Presidential Moronic Act of the Week last week.  In my defense, I was out of town, and frankly, overwhelmed by his consistent moronicosity.  Once in a while, you need a break, even if that break comes only three weeks into the job.  I think I'll go golfing at Mar-a-Lago.

That having been said, it remains my solemn duty to report upon the week's P-MAWs, although one could say there have been so many moronic acts being committed by or on his behalf on an almost daily basis that the award could be retired just as often.  We therefore present this week's nominees.  As always, we welcome your own nominees, although in the spirit of our fearless leader, if I disagree with them, you will be subject to be being fired or named official liaison to the Russian embassy.


For reasons known only to the gods, we are still waiting for a sincere, eyes to the camera, not reading from a script statement from fearless leader denouncing acts of anti-semitism, including defacing graves, threatening synagogues and day care centers, and blaming Jews for everything short of the Fox Cheerleading Network's annual declaration of the war on Christmas.  When he finally did get around to talking about acts of violence against Jews, and yes, threats of violence are acts of violence, he suggested that it was the Jews themselves who had perpetrated these acts as a way of continuing to put pressure on him to say or do something.  Well, he indeed said something, something so moronic that we could have named this weekly award after him.  Come to think of it, we did.


Apparently, the world is going to go to hell in a hand basket because Chuck Schumer was photographed eating a doughnut with Vladimir Putin in 2003.  I am going to concede that there is a very strong possibility that this tweet was said in jest, although we have learned in the past what "said in jest" or "just kidding" mean in this administration.  I would suggest, however, that there is a distinct possibility that there is a difference between a sitting United States senator sharing a photo op with Mr. Putin and not ever denying it, and a presidential campaign potentially discussing ways to influence an entire election by feeding information and discussing strategy with a foreign power, which, by the way would be treason.


Ok.  There's a photo going around showing Nancy Pelosi seated at a table that includes Sergey Kislyak.  You know him.  You know, the guy Jeff Sessions never met.  See the above entry.  I would suggest that there is a distinct difference between the house speaker/minority leader meeting with the Russian president on official business where his ambassador this country is present, and a bunch of private citizens descending upon this same person in their individual capacities and against the stated and explicit law of this country discuss influencing the presidential election.  Just a slight difference.


Now he says that we should ignore any ties his administration had to anything -- move along, nothing to see here -- because President Obama ordered the wiretapping of Trump Tower (I was forced to say his name there -- "His" Tower sounded too awkward or contrived) during the election.  Putting aside the utter absurdity of the accusation, offered without any form of proof, also noting that there has been no request by or on his behalf to have any law enforcement agency conduct any kind of investigation at all, perhaps President Obama's administration, notably, the Department of Justice, had conducted an investigation, and based upon that investigation found probable cause, went before a judge who agreed, and obtained a lawful warrant to wiretap "His" Tower.  Wouldn't that be utterly delicious?


As in authorize any investigation or inquiry, or even  ask a simple informal question while sipping a cup of coffee with him or anyone in the administration over any of the above, or anything else for that matter.  Oh wait, they do want to continue to investigate Benghazi or who welcomed Bears Ears National Monument into the National Parks Service family.

I am sure you will note the obvious omission of Jeff Sessions and fearless leader's continuing belief that the attorney general is perfectly capable of conducting a full, open and honest investigation of himself.  That belongs in another category for the moment, although it may still find its' way into the P-MAWs in the future.  Who knows with this bunch?  We may have to add something into this week's list.  After all, as we have said before in this space, Saturday is not over yet.

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