1. I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that he withdrew us from the Paris Accords, or the fact that he did not have enough guts to say it to the faces of the world leaders when given the chance. Well, he did have the guts to say what was on his mind to the leaders of our NATO alliance; however, there is a difference between the right to speak your mind and knowing when not to say what is actually on your mind.
2. No Kathy Griffin was not right, but she at least apologized. I have yet to hear an apology from anyone who posted photos or cartoons of Obama being hung in effigy. That a very unfunny, D-list by her own words comedienne makes a very unfunny joke, statement, or whatever you want to call it does not amount to a national debate point. She was wrong. She admitted she was wrong. She was fired. It's over with. Move on.
3. I have flipped through various talking head stations today, ranging from MSNBC on the left to the fox cheerleading network on the right. Okay, I skipped Newsmax and OneAmerica. They do not count, and make no effort to show they do. Anyway, after about ten minutes of drivel from all of the networks, I think I can speak for many of us when I say to the talking heads:
No, you are not personally the news. We do not care one whit about what you think of the other networks and what one of their reporters/talking heads/guests etc. said. How about you shut up, stop adding to, or even causing the national discourse, and contribute something worthwhile to the discussion. If you can't do that, then try doing something more useful like showing re-runs of old ads featuring Billy Mays.
4. Maybe he might want to give his own staff a heads up when he has made up his mind on something and then announces it to the twitterverse -- especially if they went to sleep thinking they had actually talked him out of it. Speaking of which:
Does serving under this guy give you such a rush that you can overlook the fact that he pulls the rug out from under you daily, undermines everything you work hard to establish in his defense or just makes you constantly look foolish? How long before those who thought they were well respected, not only by their peers but the public in general say the heck with this and start resigning? Somebody in the cabinet and in the White House has to have at least a shred of self-respect. Somebody? Anybody?
5. I used to tell my sons that I almost hoped the far right would sweep an election one year, because if they were in charge of all branches of government, by the time four years had passed and the general public got a good long look at these clowns, their movement would be over with for at least the rest of our lives. Ok. I'm sorry I said it. Now that I have apologized, does this mean we can have a do over, or at least declare that one hundred and twenty-six days are enough?
6. I have some friends on the right -- yes, I have people I still call friends who are on the right -- who somehow still believe that this guy is doing great. Nobody can tell me anything substantive he has done that constitutes "great", but at least they are consistent with their leader who tells you he is making history about every thirty-three seconds, but can't tell you what he has actually done that is so really, really terrific. I especially like their defense of his health and tax "plans", consisting primarily of "I'm so glad to see he is making sure my hard earned money does not end up supporting some lazy slob who refuses to work for a living or some immigrant".
7. Listening to Terence Blanchard's "A Tale of God's Will" is very soothing, especially these days.
8. My sister in law has spent the past couple of weeks in Great Britain. She reports that as soon as the locals hear her accent she has had to impress upon them that she did not vote for him or support anything he says or does. I know I had to do something similar when there in April. Judging from what I have seen and heard, the folks in London must be wondering if anyone here voted for him.
9. Speaking of London, and Manchester for that matter, I might have thought it would be good form to offer an expression of sympathy for the victims, a strong show that we stand united with them, and an offer of the assistance of the United States instead of taking a potshot at the American courts, the gun control lobby and a completely out of context swipe at the mayor of London, later doubled down upon. But then again, what do I know?
But I guess there is one thing we can all agree upon regardless of what side of the political fence we may sit on:
10. The Mets really suck.
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