Thursday, June 29, 2017

time to call a spade a spade

I am going to preface this one with two points.

1.  My parents always told me never to stoop to the level of those who would insult and demean others, just because they can.

2.  I have tried in the past to impose a twenty-four hour rule, which basically says that if somebody or something has completely enraged me, I will not respond for at least twenty-four hours, thereby giving me enough time to cool off so that I will not say or do anything I may regret later.

Obviously, the rules are being broken today and I do not care.

Today, while health care was being debated throughout the country, and while a pair of very important pieces of legislation regarding immigration were being debated on the Hill, our president decided it would be a great idea to issue a broadside vulgar attack against MSNBC morning anchor Mika Brzezinski, describing her as allegedly bleeding from a facelift.  This coming from a guy dying his hair some sort of burnt yellow/orange and wearing it in the most recognizably bizarre combover on the planet.  I thought about this for a few moments before walking way from my desk to try and digest it.

Throughout the country, health care is being threatened by rich guys and their stooges in Washington who cannot stomach the thought that a few of their pals' dollars that they are never going to miss might be spent to care and treat for somebody else, but at least is being seriously debated.

In the House of Representatives, they are debating and will most likely pass legislation today regarding imposition of enhanced criminal sentences upon illegal immigrants and for the right of the federal government to withhold funds from cities deemed to be so called sanctuary cities.

We still do not know the exact extent of the Russian interference in our election, although everybody except the guy behind the desk at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue concedes that they did try to influence the outcome.

Europe is debating its very existence as a community.

The Secretary of Defense has just declared that North Korea now poses an imminent threat to the security of the United States.

... and our president has nothing better to do than insult a news anchor from a show he claims he does not watch, and talk about her bleeding from a facelift she either did or did not have, something most of us could not care less about.

He sat in our oval office, from where Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, from where Teddy Roosevelt created the National Parks system, from where Franklin Roosevelt calmed a nation with fireside chats during the Great Depression and created the New Deal, which led the world out of it.  For crying out loud, for purposes of this rant I will even note that it's from where Reagan lorded over the fall of the Soviet Union on behalf of the United States.

And this is where he decides to launch broadsides about a cable news morning show anchor allegedly bleeding from a facelift.

His spokesperson then claims the president is entitled to defend himself from personal attacks and "fake news", and that we all know that this is a guy who will fight back "ten times harder", as if that justifies this nonsense.  On the fox cheerleading network, the spokesperson's father, an ordained preacher, echoes this thought, but does concede he would not have used the language the president used.  At least the other panelists on the show, who presumably do not have children of their own working for the lunatic in the oval office, made no effort to defend him or to justify the remarks.  Some actually condemned the remarks, which shows you just how far over the line he went.

Here is a man who thinks nothing of "grabbing them by the pussy".

Here is a man who thinks it is okay to remark on television that a woman who asked him somewhat tough questions at a presidential debate, questions that would not have been so tough if he actually prepared for the debate and had thought about the answers, was "bleeding from her eyes, bleeding from her, wherever..."

Here is a man who has announced to the world that his daughter is so beautiful he would "do" her if she was not his daughter.

Here is a man who does not think the dignity of the office of the President of the United States is above responding to what he believes is a petty and undeserved personal attack by spewing vulgarities the average third grader would think twice about saying, and in so doing further demeaning the office.  I would note that while Reagan always talked about the dignity of the office, I have never heard anything similar from this guy.

Based on all of this, and with apologies to my parents and to the twenty-four hour rule, I can only come to one conclusion:


I leave it to others to characterize the rest of us who elected him to an office we apparently no longer deserve to have exist in this country.

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