Well, it's about time that a republican in office said what the rest of us already know. But no, Senator Flake, you don't get to take a bow for calling the moron in office a dangerous fool who is leading both this country and world to unmitigated disaster, and announcing you won't be complicit.
You already are.
And so are you, Senator Corker, and you, Senator McCain.
Each of you voted in favor of every single one of the unqualified, corrupt swamp rats that now make up our cabinet.
Each of you voted for Betsy DeVos, knowing that she owned charter schools and had every intention of changing regulations that would personally benefit her. Each of you turned the other way when she rescinded rules protecting women on campus from being raped. Each of you have been completely silent while she has dismantled protections for our special education students, the single most vulnerable among our most precious commodity, our children.
Each of you voted for Tom Price, even though it was obvious that he violated the law in purchasing and dumping stock in companies that benefited from legislation he was considering. None of you said a word about his use of military and government airplanes at the public's expense.
Each of you voted in favor of Steve Mnuchin for Secretary of the Treasury in spite of his knowingly hiding two billion in income from his disclosure statements and then trying to explain how he, a heavy hitter at Goldman Sachs, could not figure out the complexity of the financial disclosure form.
Each of you voted for both Scott Pruitt and Ryan Zincke knowing they had conflicts of interests that would completely bar them from working in the field that they now head. Mr. Pruitt spent a career suing the Environmental Protection Agency trying to get them to roll back regulations that protect us, all so that his friends could make a larger profit. The same for Mr. Zincke, who conducted an exhaustive investigation of national parks and monuments that would lose their designation upon his say so while simultaneously vacationing in the Greek islands at our expense.
Each of you voted for Ben Carson, who declared that he was not qualified for the position he was nominated for, but accepted anyway.
Each of you voted for Rick Perry, who could not remember and probably cannot spell the name of the department he now heads, which by the way, is the department that controls the nation's nuclear capabilities.
I could go on. Look at the cabinet. Nearly every single one of them has spent a career fighting against what they are now charged with heading, and now that they are cabinet secretaries, continue to fight against the very interests they are charged with protecting.
And each of you voted to allow them to do so.
Each of you turned a blind eye when he continuously debased his office and every tradition this country holds dear. No financial disclosures? Ok. Emoluments clause? What's that? Conflicts of interest and self-dealings at every turn? Nothing to see here. A psychopathic urge to declare war on anyone he disagrees with? Why else do we have a military? Tweets as official government pronouncements? Have you ever seen somebody so in tune with technology?
And where were each of you as he spent the last few weeks insulting a pregnant lady who just lost her husband who was serving this country and sacrificed his life -- for what?
But he insults a couple of you in congress and now he's a dangerous, deranged fool.
Newsflash to Senators Flake, Corker and McCain. Oh, and to you too Senators Sasse and Graham:
He was a psychopathic fool when he declared for office, and when he ran for and was elected. And he has not changed. Just because you come out and pooh pooh his behavior once in a while does not make you a hero. It makes you COMPLICIT because you promoted all this, you campaigned for all this, and you condoned all this, just so that your political party could be in power, the good of the country be damned.
Well damn you. Every single one of you.
You are not heroes. You are not straight shooters. You are cowards.
No, let me clarify that. You are fucking treasonous cowards, because you knew this was going to happen, and you let it happen all so that you could bar innocent refugees from entering a country founded by refugees, doing so because they don't look or talk like us.
So no, Senator Flake,you do not get to go to the well and say you are not going to be complicit in the debasement and destruction of our traditions and in what made this country the greatest on earth until January 20 of this year. You especially don't get to announce that you are leaving government, thereby allowing some other fool possibly with a similar background and political bent as the fool in the White House to take your place, and now when you have nothing to lose, point out what the rest of us already knew.
Not when you were in a position to stop it before it started, when you knew what was going to happen, but voted to allow him to destroy us anyway.
You do not get to go to the well, with your voice cracking with emotion and say No More!!! That time was months ago, and you allowed it to happen.
So now, you have a year left. 'And so do you Senator Corker. And the rest of you. That is plenty of time to at least try to reverse this nonsense. I do not believe a single word any of you said until you actually do something other than try to give rich guys such as the billionaire in chief and yourselves tax breaks beyond your wildest dreams while paying for them with my 401K.
Call him out. Bring on the articles of impeachment. It should not be difficult to figure them out. The more difficult issue will be figuring out when to stop adding to the articles.
Want to do it quickly? There's the 25th Amendment. There isn't a certified health care professional out there, with the possible exception of the guy who said he had heel spurs who would not say he's insane or at least not mentally capable of fulfilling his constitutional duties in a sane, rational and safe manner.
Until you do that, you are the problem as much as he is or will ever be. He may not be able to help himself, but you were among the only ones who could have prevented this. So no. You do not get to take a bow now.
Damn you.
Damn every single one of you complicit sons of bitches.
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