So, let's see how his trip went...
He went to Brussels, and while there, he dissed our allies, showed up late for meetings and left early, and then set the stage for a potential United States withdrawal from NATO, our most important and strategic alliance since the end of the Second World War, the alliance that more than any other alliance has held the Soviet Union and Russia in check for more than seventy years. His performance there was so disrespectful that the leaders of Germany and France, among others are openly talking about the United States no longer being a reliable ally.
He then held an impromptu press conference before rushing off to his next disaster where he crowed about reaching a new agreement with our allies, all of his own doing, forcing them all to accelerate their time schedule for meeting funding requirements imposed years ago for all NATO members. All was wine and roses, until the rest of the NATO leaders led by France came forward to say there was no such agreement reached. In other words, he lied.
He then went to England, and told the prime minister how to run her country. At least she did not publicly tell him to get lost. He then entertained the press by calling them fake and not worthy of anyone's belief, throwing aside any notion of freedom of speech and freedom of the press as guaranteed under the Constitution. The only reporter -- from Fox News -- who had any gumption to say anything did so out of the arena, well after the presser had ended. From there, he went to visit the Queen and broke protocol by buffoonishly walking ahead of her, seemingly ignoring her entirely. At least he moved to the side, or maybe the photographers did, so that we could all get a "he was there and with her -- well, sort of" photo.
While in Great Britain, he took the time for a side trip to Scotland, where he played golf rather than prepare for the potentially single most significant meeting of the presidency thus far, with Vladimir Putin. He did take the time, however, to pitch his golf course in violation of the emoluments clause and a few other laws.
From there, he announced that the European Union, made up of our closest allies with the possible exception of Israel and Canada, was our greatest foe. Not one to want to leave Canada feeling left out, his administration filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization over Canada imposing tariffs on American goods, an act that was solely in retaliation for his imposing tariffs on American goods. So, he has started a trade war with our closest allies over... what? We will ignore for the moment that he has done the very same thing to China, not an ally by any means, but also for no particular reason other than to show the world he could do it. China has now filed a complaint against the USA with the WTO. There is no doubt whatsoever that when we lose both complaints, or even just one of them, if he is still in office, we will be withdrawing from the WTO.
Just before going into the Putin meeting, he announced that all of the NATO leaders had called him to tell him the deal he had brokered in Brussels was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and that the meeting could not have gone better...
Except that none of the NATO leaders have thus far admitted to making any such telephone calls, and, in fact, their public words to date clearly indicate that they feel just the opposite. In other words, he lied again.
Then came the meeting and the press conference. He threw our allies under the bus. He threw our law enforcement and national security apparatus under the bus. He fawned over Putin, perhaps our most dangerous adversary. Putin admitted he worked to have him elected over Hilary. As Fox News later said, he just about admitted every allegation made against the Russians about the election, and he just stood there.
And then Cadet Bone Spurs said he believed the Russian and did not believe his own national security experts.
But e-mails!! DNC servers!!! Witch hunt!!!
On foreign soil, he endangered nearly all vital strategic alliances that have kept this country safe for over seventy years.
On foreign soil, he announced he does not believe our own national security experts, but believes a murderous despot.
On foreign soil, he openly courted our most dangerous adversary.
On foreign soil, he called our press liars.
On foreign soil, he spent time pitching his private businesses, you know, the ones he supposedly divested himself from.
I will make this short and simple.
Our president has given aid and comfort to the enemy while systematically working to destroy our foreign and domestic security and partnerships, thereby placing us all in grave danger. All the while openly disparaging the press so that his supporters will not believe a word they say to warn us.
Forget impeachment.
This man, and I use the term extremely loosely, is a traitor to this country and everything it stands for. He should be out of office tomorrow and arrested for treason the next day, if we can afford to wait that long.
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