We are now three weeks into this abomination, and by now, most of us have already figured out, if we had not beforehand, that he has absolutely no business being the president, and no clue of what he is doing, other than using the position to try to enhance the family brand and make a few bucks off of it. It took less than three weeks, but at this point, i have trump fatigue (there you have it. I actually said his name. At least I did not capitalize the first letter). Frankly, it's why I have not posted anything new in more than a week. I really did not want to make this blog a political thing, but he has proceeded as he has, and there you go.
At this point, I have no desire at all to post daily rants about every single thing he does. I must confess that three weeks into this thing I am longing for just a single day when he does not say or do something stupid, or have somebody in his administration do it on his behalf, although I must admit that along these lines I find it utterly amazing that there are so many people out there who are willing to sell their souls, or simply have none in the first place, just to curry his favor. So this being the starting point, rather than post and rant daily, unless there is something extra specially brainless, dimwitted, downright corrupt or whatever you want to call it, we hereby introduce:
The Presidential Moronic Act of the Week.
The Presidential Moronic Act of the Week, or P-MAW, does not have to be one the president himself said or committed. It is sufficient if performed or stated by one of his sychophants. There is no particular issue that counts more than any other. It can even be a non-political statement or issue, as long as it is truly ghastly or hilarious, rising to such a level as to qualify as the P-MAW. I do not claim to be all that brilliant myself, so I will simply list a few items of brilliance coming from the administration each week, and let you tell me which one wins. I do reserve the right to let you know which one I would vote for. After all, I am not above a fraudulent election result. I am sure he will launch a really, really major investigation, to which all I can say is, SEE YOU IN COURT.
This being said, the nominations for the P-MAW for the week ending February 11, 2017 are, and yes, I know Saturday has not ended yet, so there is a chance, make that a substantial likelihood, that he or somebody in the administration may have a P-MAW worthy moment:
This one, if nothing else, gets an "A" for teamwork. Nordstroms is not going to carry Ivanka's line of clothing and accessories this year. So what? Apparently, the brand is not doing all that well in the stores, and like any other retailer, Nordstrom's has made a business decision that they are not going to fill the shelves in the store with products that not only are not selling, but are a source of anger for a very large segment of their clientele. This rather sensible business decision was met with tweets from daddy, a threat of boycott from people who never shopped there in the first place and may not even know where the closest Nordstrom's to them is located, a sales pitch from KellyAnne Conway on the Fox Cheerleading Network that most likely violated the law, and a statement from Sean Spicer, who can always be counted upon to be on this list in which he stated that the Nordstrom's decision was a direct and deliberate attack upon the president and his policies. Notice that Ivanka has not said a word herself.
Yes, I know this one did not originate this week, but how can you pass it up? This is all the more apt considering that after her first day on the job, our Secretary of Education posted a light hearted tweet that, frankly, I had no problem with, ending with a light hearted, "where are the pencils?". The outpouring of responses was vitriolic, but also humorous, my favorite being the ones claiming that all the grizzlies had stolen them. Perhaps we should check with the Wapiti Valley School to see if the bears at least passed this week's math quiz.
He claims that in approving both the Keystone and DAPL, he got no calls registering any sort of complaint. It turns out he got no calls because the phone lines in the White House that register such complaints had been turned off. It also brings to mind the question of whether or not he has looked at any video of the protesters at the DAPL site. Then again, he probably figures this is fake news.
Who knew that reading a letter written by Coretta Scott King in 1986 would impugn the integrity of now Attorney General Jeff Sessions? Apparently Mitch McConnell thought it would. Then again, after banishing Elizabeth Warren for doing so, he allowed a male senator to finish reading the letter on the floor of the senate. Perhaps he reconsidered whether or not banishing the reading of a letter written by the widow of Martin Luther King, Jr. on the floor of the senate was a good idea, or perhaps upon further reflection, Mr. McConnell realized that there are no senators left with any integrity to impugn.
5. ELLIOT ABRAMS (hint -- this is my winner)
This one probably got the least amount of attention this week. Many know that Elliot Abrams is a neo-conservative who served in the Reagan and Bush, Jr. administrations. He had a bit of a reputation towards the end of being a war hawk. You would think that would suit the president just fine; however, during the election, Mr. Abrams was highly critical of the mere possibility of a trump administration (there, I said his name again. Just could not figure out a spiffy way of how not to say his name here). In the president's world, that is enough. Rex Tillerson figured, probably correctly, that he needed somebody who had been there before and was a professional, to provide guidance to a State Department that has nobody in any position of authority with any foreign policy experience. Somebody who could help apply the breaks to any really bad idea, like nuking Australia. Abrams has that experience, even if many of us do not agree with him politically, but he said some very, very bad things about the president during the campaign, so nope. He's out. And we are left with amateur night at the "Y" running the State Department. But at least he gets to continue to be surrounded by folks who will hoot and holler approval about anything he says or does.
Further nominations will be accepted and possibly discussed, especially if they amuse me.