Monday, February 20, 2017

the smorgasbord president

So, we are now a month into it, and we have met the enemy, and it is...

Australia, Mexico, Sweden and the Press Corps, with the exception of the Fox Cheerleading Network, Breitbart News, Newsmax, and some guy standing on the corner of 42nd Street and 9th Avenue wearing a sandwich board advertising cheap massages while drinking something out of a brown paper bag, and yelling about how the government has planted some sort of chip in his brain.

Apparently, fearless leader gets his intel from the Fox Cheerleading Network, rather than doing something overly complicated like checking with his own intelligence agencies or maybe using that red phone on his desk to call somebody in charge in Sweden to ask what the heck is going on. Perhaps he could have even used that twitter account to ask for some feedback from the average Swede on the street. I am not sure what is worse, the fact that he is relying on a guest on Tucker Carlson's show who clearly has an agenda rather than the vast expertise of the intelligence agencies and the foreign service corps. or the fact that he is watching Tucker Carlson's show in the first place when he himself has said there was such a mess left to him that he has no time for anything else, unless you don't include partying at Mar-a-Lago and golfing every weekend.

Then he doubles down and tweets something about that lying media covering up that sad story about the streets turning into bloodbaths in Stockholm. I find it hard to conceive of how to cover up something that has never happened, but then again, I am not the president, a secret agent, or the janitor at the happyland factory. My wife has astutely observed that he tends to strike out at whomever he believes has dissed him at any given time; therefore, it is entirely possible that IKEA would not sell him the parts he needs to build his wall and this is his way of getting back at them. For all we know, RedState Nation is going to announce a boycott of all things IKEA and meatballs in the next day or two.

Well, look at the bright side. As a result of this, there has been a resurrection, reincarnation or whatever you want to call it of the Sesame Street Swedish Chef all over the internet, so in all, how bad could it be?

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